In January I went to Bangalore, India where the selected group of people from all around the globe attended Acharya training with Mohanji.
Acharya is a term meaning “one who teaches by their conduct.” An acharya is a teacher who leads by example.
Since Mohanji travels a lot, his physical body is getting tired and he can’t go to so many new places, Acharyas were trained on how to conduct programs and spread the light of awareness and Mohanji’s teachings in the most effective way.
The core of Mohanji’s teachings is unconditional love, kindness, and compassion. The main goal is non-violence on all levels (thoughts, words, and actions).

He teaches us to accept ourselves, to accept each and every situation in our life, as well as to accept others instead of judging them, to become stable, strong and peaceful in every situation, to give to the Earth more than we take from her. Mohanji himself is a great example of living the right life.
In this path, there is no discrimination (race, religion, gender, etc.), which means that we are all one. Neither there are “do’s and don’ts”.
You just have to be you, completely natural. The only rule is – do not harm anyone. Shine brighter and brighter and the world will follow you.
If you want to change the world, start with changing your inner world, start with yourself.

That’s where the true Master, like Mohanji, can help you and guide you to one and only destination – yourself. Mohanji is not asking for followers, he is there to guide us, help us, protect us. Real transformation is possible and many people from different parts of the world have experienced true transformation, just by being open and receptive.
This is also my case and I am happy to share it with everybody. Until you haven’t experienced something, it’s not yours. That is why I am very clear and confident and open-hearted when you ask me about my experience with Mohanji and why I am following him. I am not better than you, who are reading this, I just experienced something beautiful in my life and I would be selfish if I kept it only for myself. I can’t even do that, I want to talk louder and louder so that more people can start seeing that their true nature is unconditional love and that social concepts and frames should not bind us! Why would you carry and nurture all your negativities when you can drop them, let them go and live a more positive and bright life and inspire others as well?

As Mohanji said, I want you to roar like the lions!
What does it mean?
When you find the Truth, tell it to the world!

Acharyas should definitely be like the lions, like the soldiers who are always fighting for the good and fighting against all the negativities while increasing positivity. They should uplift and transform many lives, in many corners of the world. There are no boundaries.
The limitations exist only in our minds. That’s why we have to empty ourselves and not let our mind to control us, instead, we should control our mind by practicing awareness from moment to moment.
Our hearts should remain pure and open. We can only talk from our heart. All other ways of talking are just theories. When you give something from the heart, people will feel it and you will get much more than you gave. That’s why this role of an Acharya is priceless. When you see the transformation in other people, your heart is expanding even more and you feel like you want to hug the whole world. The happiness which can't be even described by words.
How do you feel when somebody's eyes start shining, when you help somebody when somebody's life has changed because you shared something from the heart (time, love, things, food) while you were selfless and ready to help and give without any expectation?
When the motivation is to give more and not to get more, actually you get much more than you can even imagine!
Mohanji is also teaching us to be active and dynamic, to drop our laziness and tamas (inertia) - so this Acharya training for me also was a “wake-up call”. We use to think that we have a lot of time, that we can easily postpone something, while we forget that our time on Earth is very limited. Actually, there is no time. There are so many beings in the world – humans, animals waiting for our help. Wake up! Do something!

Acharyas should be great examples of living Mohanji’s teachings. How to best motivate others? By being an example.
After I came back home from India…

As soon as the training has finished, I felt something has changed deep inside of me. I knew that Mohanji was working on me on so many levels. I didn’t know what neither I asked what and why I could just feel it and I was 100% sure that I am not the same person anymore.
More clarity, more confidence, more power – as if all of those were “installed” in my system. Amazing feeling!
I am aware that this power is not mine. “I” should not exist.
Mohanji says The more YOU exist, the less I exist. The less YOU exist, the more I exist.
When I say “Mohanji” I don't refer to his physical body only. I refer to the Supreme Consciousness that he is representing. He is directly connected to the Source, to the Consciousness. His physical body appeared on this Earth in order to communicate with people more easily. But he is not the body. He is Consciousness. So when we talk about the true connection, we talk about being connected to Consciousness. And with Mohanji, we can easily connect to that Consciousness, by simply listening to him, looking at his eyes, thinking of him… He is ALWAYS available to us!
Now I can feel he is not outside of me anymore, I feel as if Mohanji is in my heart and inside me, not outside of me. We are just mouthpieces of Mohanji and the Tradition!
More clarity about the role of Acharyas started coming. It’s not only about conducting two or five programs a month, it's really about LIVING IT in each and every situation!

I just started noticing “coincidences”. People started coming to me asking me for advice, asking me questions… In the most unexpected ways and situations. For example, one man asked me for a coffee because he felt that something is happening inside of him and he didn’t know whom to talk about it, because the society is too much inside the “frames”. I saw a beautiful soul, a human being who is awakening…
…the lady in the bank spontaneously told me while looking at my old picture in my old ID card “You have changed so much, not only the hair and the face, what did you do?”….
…the accountant started telling me her stories, I was spontaneously replying and talking positive and helping her to let go of her past…
…I instantly got connected with few people, even without knowing them for long…
…Many more situations happened…
And what was common in all those situations? Mohanji was speaking through me!
The words and answers were just coming to me, without thinking… I felt that these were not mine, I did not exist!
I recognized all those moments, I told myself “This is your time to shine as an Acharya. Each situation, each person is important”
That’s when I recognized that being an Acharya is a constant state of “being Mohanji”.
I finally deeply realized that we are not doing anything, everything is being “orchestrated” by Mohanji and the Tradition of the Masters, we just have to be available. We are truly blessed to be their instruments.
Even the urge to write this blog wasn’t my idea, the inspiration came through Mohanji.
Mohanji is the heart, pumping life, love, and blood, and the Acharyas are just the arteries, spreading the teachings to all the parts of the world. We are nothing without the main Source.
Acharyas are needed not because of their progress, popularity nor fame, but because of the world!

In each and every corner of the world, Acharyas should bring positivity, light, and happiness. Our aim is TRANSFORMATION and ADDING VALUE TO THE WORLD.
One picture came to my mind. We are like the “bombs” of light. Wherever we go, our bomb explodes and the light starts expanding, showering all beings with love.
I am really blessed and deeply grateful to have and deserve this opportunity to be the Mohanji Acharya.
Remember always – be the light to the world!
Share your experiences, love, time, possessions without expectations with others – from the heart! You will never be alone and your heart will keep on expanding!
Be yourself, love yourself and remember that you HAVE the power to change the world!

Very clear and precise! Mohanji has empowered us with a wonderful gift. We need to work on being Mohanji every micro second
So well conveyed, Monika. Pearls of wisdom with such simplicity and clarity. The hallmark of our beloved Mohanji. Well done. Thanks much. Love.
Hello dearest... Inspiring write up !!💓Thanks a ton for sharing this motivating experience. As you said my heart is expanding reading this sincere experience. Love yo
Precious MOMENTS with precious FRIENDS in the presence of a precious MASTER! Thank you for sharing Monika. Lots of love! H
Dear Monika, Thank you so much for this post. I share each and every word that you mentioned above, as its the same feeling, same realisation for all of us who were Mpowered by Mohanji as His Acharyas!
This write up will not only put more light on how Mohanji is getting us all prepared but will also inspire many to contribute in some or other way, in their thoughts, words and actions for adding value to their existence.
Thank you.